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By Terry Lemerond 29 Sep, 2024
Imagine if you awakened every morning feeling completely inadequate to meet the demands of the day. How would you feel if even a little physical or mental stress left you feeling drained? Problems such as these have an enormous negative impact on relationships, careers, and personal happiness. And the root cause is very often impaired adrenal function. Adrenal insufficiency is likely the number one factor underlying many health disorders. It usually begins after a period of prolonged stress—emotional or metabolic. Severe fatigue in the morning is the main symptom. Usually, people with adrenal insufficiency describe themselves as “slow starters”. Interestingly, the ability to resist infections is a function of the adrenal’s integrity even more than the immune system. People with exhausted adrenal glands typically have recurrent minor infections. Post-viral fatigue is common in this case as well. In fact, more than half of chronic fatigue syndrome cases begin after significant stress such as surgery, viral infection, trauma or accident. This inability to recover is in large part due to adrenal exhaustion that has developed due to underlying stress such as poor nutrition, mental and physical stress, overwork and lack of sleep. Allergies are very often a manifestation of adrenal insufficiency, too. Recurrent sneezing can be a subtle clue of adrenal weakness. In nearly every case of multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome, low adrenal function has been the underlying cause. Those who have less severe sensitivities tend to have proportionately less severe adrenal insufficiency. Support the Adrenal Glands with the Right Diet The ideal diet for someone experiencing adrenal insufficiency would be similar to the diet for the hypoglycemic person. It should be low in carbohydrates (no refined carbs and no sugar) and emphasize whole, unprocessed proteins and high quality fats, including olive oil and butter. For adrenal repair, sodium is a critical factor and should not be avoided. However, the salt should be of high quality and not refined white salt or white sea salt. I would highly recommend Celtic sea salt, usually ½ teaspoon of salt to a quart of water, three quarts of the salt and water combination per day. The Right Nutrients I recommend specific nutrients to help repair adrenal insufficiency. For instance, B vitamins—particularly vitamin B6 (P5P, the biologically active form of B6) and pantothenic acid are a must. L-tyrosine helps produce the adrenal hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine. You need vitamin C because the only place in the body that vitamin C is temporarily stored is in the adrenal glands. DHEA and pregnenolone are two adrenal hormones that are also precursors for all other hormones. I believe it is critical to support the adrenal function with freeze dried adrenal extract. There are also two herbs that I would heavily rely on to support adrenal function; licorice root extract (Glycyrrhiza glabra) and rehmannia (Rehmannia glutinosa). Both support liver function and restore adrenal function. They also facilitate the body’s normal response to stress, and help keep adrenal hormones active longer. The ideal combination of these ingredients can be found at Marlene’s as Adrenaplex® by Terry Naturally. With these nutrients and the right diet, you can bounce back from adrenal exhaustion and begin living a vibrant, full and energetic life! Terry Lemerond is a natural health expert with over 50 years of experience. He has owned health food stores, founded dietary supplement companies, and formulated over 400 products. His continual dedication, energy, and zeal are part of his on-going mission — to improve the health of America.
By Host Defense® Mushrooms™ 29 Sep, 2024
LION'S MANE is a mushroom on everyone’s mind. It’s rapidly becoming known as “The Smart Mushroom.” As a stand-alone for memory and cognition support, Lion's Mane is a sure bet. But, what about combining key B vitamins with Lion’s Mane for a multiingredient approach? B vitamins are well researched as supportive to brain and nerve health and more. B3 and B12 are two in particular that support a range of activity associated with the nervous system and our brain as a whole.* Niacin is the common term for B3. There is research suggesting that niacin supports the optimal functioning of mitochondria, the energy factories of our cells. It is part of the pathway that creates ATP, the cellular gasoline that powers every cellular function in every cell of our bodies including our nerve cells. Nerve cells are highly metabolically active and are constantly conducting signals to and from our brain and body. Nerve cells use a lot of energy. Niacin supports the creation of that cellular energy and also supports nerve and brain health and day-to-day nerve generative activity. There are a number of forms of niacin. The most basic is nicotinic acid.* One thing to consider when supplementing with nicotinic acid is that some people can experience something called a flush. The flush occurs as nicotinic acid triggers the dilation of capillaries, or microscopic blood vessels and may be felt as a heating sensation spreading across the skin. The extent of a niacin flush depends on the amount taken and how sensitive a person is to niacin. While some people have a small response, some don't feel it at all, and others might experience it quite strongly. While niacin is beneficial for a vast group of people, it's important to talk to your healthcare provider before adding it to your daily supplement regimen if you have any health issues.* Vitamin B12 is important for overall health and wellness. Methylcobalamin, a form of B12, allows for rapid absorption and use by our cells and is well researched for its support for energy and nerve health. The data suggest that B12 supports energy, endurance, nerve health and signaling, attention, cognitive function, and even glycemic balance. Data also demonstrate safety of Vitamin B12 at up to 500 micrograms. There is evidence that taking 1000 micrograms, long term, could be problematic for people with diabetic neuropathy. Here again, if you have any health issues, you’ll want to check with your healthcare provider to determine if the addition of B12 is right for you.*
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